We love hearing from our users! If you would like to reach out to our team to request a feature, please check out this Community topic. On this page, you can see what other users are requesting, upvote or comment on features that you care about, and post your own product suggestions. When posting, please make sure to include a thorough description of the feature you would like to see and how it will improve your workflow in CZ ID.
If you see a bug in CZ ID (something is not working as expected) please reach out to us by email by using the "Contact Us" option in your account menu in the upper right corner of your screen. We ask that you please use the following template so that our team can triage your issue as quickly as possible.
Bug Report - { Short description of issue you are facing }
Name: { Your name }
Email: { An email address in case we need to follow-up with you }
Priority: { High, Medium, Low }
Description: { A description of the issue that you are facing and how it is adversely affecting your work in CZ ID }
Steps to Reproduce the Bug:
Device Type: { PC, Mac, Mobile, etc }
Browser: { Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari }
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